Sunday, August 28, 2011

becoming a worshiper again.

I get so caught up in perfecting lessons and discipline in teaching. I'm getting in the bad habit of checking things off a list, rather than teaching from my heart. I get annoyed when my first graders ask to go to the bathroom 10 times in one hour or when they lean back in their chairs when they know they aren't supposed to. But I've noticed something...when I invite the Lord into my day, into my classroom and let His spirit and teachings move, I am at peace. It suddenly becomes easier when I believe that Christ is present. This is the kind of strength that only comes from Him. 

Last weekend, Allie and I had the chance to go to a worship conference at our church. My heart and soul were truly renewed. The pastor talked about becoming a worshiper again and how we always need to come back to our Father. You see, when we come to Him so vulnerable and broken, it gives Christ the chance to break us, strip us and then teach us. I hope I always remember to invite the holy spirit into my day because that joy and peace is amazing.
I encourage you to go back to the heart of worship. Invite the holy spirit into your day....I promise that it will make a difference.

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