Sunday, November 6, 2011

Corn syrup or corn oil?

This is the gorgeous view at the bottom of the hill from my house.
That's a futbol field in front, San Jose and mountains in the back.
Kristin and I have been busy busy busy, but somehow we've been able to enjoy ourselves and meet up with friends, go out, play volleyball, and eat out! T.G.I.F, you know.
Hard at work!
Friday my students did a science lab with soap, water, and corn oil. They were supposed to see how a popcorn kernel goes through each layer, representing the layers of Earth and how earthquakes change direction and speed through certain layers. The thing is, when I bought the ingredients I was supposed to get corn syrup (which is thicker and more appropriate for the lab), but alas, I didn't know how to say that in Spanish so I resorted to just guessing and grabbing whatever. Moral of the story: when in doubt ask, even if you don't know the words to ask looking like a mumbling idiot and trying is better than just guessing and not even being close. So my students had a good laugh at me when I told them what happened. So we went through the lab uncertain what was going to actually happen. I think it went well still, they enjoyed it and saw the effects of different layers on the kernel. That's not the first time my Spanish has failed me.
The gym really surprised me; it was really nice! I'm on the sidelines
taking a breather while another 6 people from our team plays

After school, we all went over to the gym in Lindora and played volleyball with our "staff" team. Apparently there is a league for those who want to get a group together and play (an adult league). It was like 50 lighthouse players verses about 10 players from a local bank. Kristin was a faithful fan on the sidelines, while I played in a few games--warm-ups alone were killer. It was so much fun! I miss playing volleyball (and with good people). I'm super sore today though, working muscles I haven't in a long time or just didn't know I had. After the game we went to our friend's place in her little town, Belen, and walked to the local pizzaria. We were so hungry we shared the biggest pizza they had and downed a 2 liter bottle of Fresca. Best part was after all that we got frozen cappucinos at Autopops down the street. Pops is a chain ice cream shop, something like a Baskin Robins where you can pick your own flavors. Later that night we went out with friends, basically exploring Heredia and meeting new people. The next morning we woke up to SUN! It was so nice. Everyone keeps saying, oh this is Christmas weather--warm, sunny, and windy. Can you imagine if that was Christmas for us in Washington State? That's wild to me. So Kristin, Daniella, and I took a couple busses from Belen to Escazu that morning. It was a beautiful day and drive, took a while but still nice. The rest of the day I slept! I think the entire week just hit me and I was out....super groggy, sore, sleepy. I think it's just what my body needed.
Weekend fun is now coming to an end as I look over to my right and see a huge pile of teacher edition books that I have to do some planning/prepping with. Neverending...neverending...neverending story? Until next time,


Friday, October 21, 2011

The laws of Taxis

Since it was a 3-day weekend, Kristin and I decided to man-up and actually do something. So we went to the movies. I know, I know we should just settle down...that's SO adventurous. But little do you know, it actually did turn into an least I thought so :) Going to the movies can be just as fun as zip-lining in Monteverde.
Tito, Kristin and I stood out at the bus stop (in the rain, but that's a given) and waited for a bus that never came. Then we decided to be proactive and pay up and just take a cab. There were no cabs. Eventually we flagged one down--it took a while though. Why is it that when you desperately need a taxi they are nowhere to be found? And when you don't need one they're clogging up all the roads--there's just an excessive amount? Well anyway, we made it to multiplaza and since we got there an hour before the movie started we decided to window shop. Kristin was hoping to dress shop but every store we went in (or tried to go in) was closing. Literally they were closing the big gated doors on us. How rude. So we met up with our friend Marijke and she told us her frustrations with her rabbits and how they eat her phone chargers. So she went to a store in multi to get electrical tape to psuedo-fix the cord. Then we got popcorn-dulce (caramel corn, SOOOO good), nachos, snuck in a few snacks and ice cream and were ready to watch la pelicula. Tito was upset for a bit because we weren't watching the robot boxing movie, but I made him pull himself together. We saw Something Borrowed, which is a great movie to watch if you are a huge fan of cheesy, unresolved love stories. It was funny, don't get me wrong, but it was such a typical chick-flick. As I expected. Eventually the movie ended and Marikje parted ways in the last taxi available outside the theatre. So Tito, Kristin and I made the trek around the  mall to the front  entrance to find a taxi. Oh there were a few, but they kept going past us in the roundabout. Sometimes because they already had customers, other times I really didn't know why. So we waited. I thought it was funny. Tito was a bit sleepy though so he just wanted a taxi to come. Eventually one came! I prayed and it came. Gotta love prayer (when you get the answer in the way you want it!hah). So, as they say, all's well that ends well! Movie nights are fun, adventures are bound to happen when there's transportation involved, and chick-flicks will always be chick-flicks.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A whirlwind in Washington

No one person could possibly do what I did these past two weeks. I literally wished there was two or three of me, and that the day would have like 50 hours instead of 24. At one point I wished stores could stay open later, in order for me to get everything I weird. The past two weeks were a blur of birthdays, family, friends, classes, errands, meetings, homework, tests, and a little alone time. It wasn't possible for one person to do it all, so I didn't. haha. Really though, it wasn't just me, I had God pulling me through the whole way, giving me energy and rest when I needed it most. My friends came into town so I stayed up super late each night catching up with them. Little sleep was inevitable. I had to make choices all the time to use my time wisely, which was even more difficult for me because I'm already I wasted time thinking about what to do next. Perfect. Despite all the obligations, I praise God for the time I spent in Spokane, Washington.
Kristin and I fought going there so hard (for certain reasons) but God wanted us there. I still don't really know why, maybe won't for a long time, maybe never. Maybe it was to see my mom, sister,& brother, to be with the Williams' family during a hard time in their life, to spend more quality time with Ted & Diane, to have alone time for the first time in 6 weeks....I just don't really know. I mean, I learned a lot in the 6 days of classes that I attended, but I could've learned that back here in Costa Rica??? Maybe it was to refresh my perspective on Costa Rica and America....and their differences. Oh well, It's wasting time and energy now to think about it. I mean I want to reflect, but I don't want to try to come up with an answer that is just unnecessary to come up with.
In reflection though, I think I realize how much I truly need to be surrounded by friends and family--to be in a community of believers. They are so important to me, and I value their support, encouragement, opinions, criticisms, and love. It's just, I am someone who easily lets that slip by. I don't ask for help very often, and when I do it's because I really need it. These past two weeks I needed a lot of help and a lot of questions answered, and the fact that so many people were willing and were brought joy in the act of serving/helping me really convicted me. I don't want to inhibit the space for God's love to be shown, at all. Besides, he'll work where he wants to work with or without me, haha. But who am I to decide who gets to serve who and when and why? I play a small part in all this, but my part is significant. I can allow others to encounter Christ. Lately I've been really meditating on the truth that I am forgiven...for past sins, present sins, and future sins. I am forgiven, and so is everyone else who is called God's child. Who am I to judge? I am here to love and forgive as I have been forgiven. I get to serve others and be served for Christ's glory. It's all so powerful. I am encouraged by the power of forgiveness, fresh starts, and second chances. I am encouraged daily by God's new mercies. Thank God I am able to be back in Costa Rica for another 3 months teaching, learning, loving, and experiencing life down here!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

We're going to Miami!

September 12, 2011
Hasta Luego Costa Rica!
Little did Kristin and I know that our day would be spent at the airport in Costa Rica, instead of multiple airports across the United States. Our initial presumption was a long, exhausting day traveling, drinking Starbucks, and seeing our friends late in Spokane. However, while in line, we heard a few people talking about cancelled flights. We both looked at each other, then at the flight TV or whatever it’s called and then back at each other. Our flight was cancelled!!!  Wow we’re stupid. We both didn’t actually think the flight was cancelled when we saw the 13 TV’s all up in our grill advertising the cancelled flight. It just added to my other blonde moment when I thought there was a guy cleaning the windows across the airport, which turned out to be a statue of a zip liner. So we both smiled because we knew this would turn into another adventure. Forty minutes later, after two saintly women devised a fool-proof plan, we changed our plan to Miami. Por su puesto. Without fail, we both sang the Will Smith song “I’m going to Miami” in our heads. Stranded for 8 hours didn’t seem so bad, mainly because we had food vouchers, which obviously uplift any weary traveler. Another slight surprise was Elliot. What a character that guy. We met on the floor in front of security-- the purgatory of the airport—in between turning around from and going forward with the flight. Elliot is from Portland, Oregon so we had an instant Pacific Northwest connection. He even knew someone we knew. A guy in a band. He kept saying rock band and I kept thinking it was as far from a rock band as one could get…but I let that one go. We stuck together like childhood friends until his flight left. Our hang out place was the food court, where we used one voucher towards a delicious sandwich from Schlotzky’s. Later Elliot’s posse came and met up with us—they had just come from bungee jumping and by the looks of Betsy’s blood vessel – popped eye, they weren’t lying. We passed the time eating extremely overpriced airport food and talking about travels in Costa Rica and elsewhere.
Hola…it’s Kristin. We couldn’t resist the gift shop. Mostly because there were free samples of chocolate covered coffee beans. Let me tell you….there were plenty of flavors. We’ve got coconut, guava, orange, hazelnut, almond etc. yummy goodness. Oh and free coffee samples. Hopefully they won’t recognize us when we go back to get more samples in 5 minutes.  Elliot and I were joking that we wish they sold chocolate covered coffee cinnabons. Ha! Which reminds me of the funfetti cake Anna-Lena and I made for Allie last night! I wanted Allie to have a Costa Rican birthday, so we celebrated by making funfetti and empandas. We felt fat and sick and happy afterwards. Whoops, well,  it was worth it. Saturday night we went dancing at La Rumba! I accidentally punched my dance partner in the face. He laughed, but I’m pretty sure he was annoyed. And I’m really awkward because my arms are so long so I end up whacking other people in the face.  Allie’s got it down though. She can shake those hips!
We are boardingJ So excited to see you Spokane!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

There's a Time for Everything...

Ecclesiastes 3:1-14 comes to mind lately.
Verse 11 is so simple, but I find that it is one of those profound truths that makes you think about everything God has done for you and be overwhelmingly thankful because of it. It reads, "He has made everything beautiful in its time." I don't know exactly what that means, but I know it makes me praise God for knowing exactly how things work. Think about creation: God spoke it into existence and said it was good. In time, 6 days in, He created something very good--humans. In time we have changed so much, yet remained beautiful and in his image. In time the Earth has changed vastly, yet remained good and beautiful. Costa Rica is BEATIFUL, but Costa Rica wasn't always in existence. I'm so glad it is now, in 2011, because I wouldn't be here soaking up the endless blessings that I am. How beautiful that I am here now, that Liz said yes to God and started a Christian school that I am now student teaching in.
There's a time for everything, especially a time to mourn and weep. A while back my precious dog of around 12 years was put to sleep suddenly. Man it hit me like a soccer ball in the gut, knocking the wind out of me. Although it was a day of sorrow, I still had a day full of life, smiles, laughter, good conversation, teaching, learning, really good Chinese food, and new friends. I'm so blown away by the complexity of humans. I surprise myself. "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made"(Ps. 139:14)-- David wrote this to the Lord and I am resonating so much with it now.
This is a time of true focus on God's presence in my life, and the tangible reality of it. How can I not still praise God for how faithful, gracious, loving, compassionate, just, and merciful he is? When I am aware of the God of the Universe in my life, minute by minute, I am in beautiful time. I thank God for time. For time with my dog Sadie for as long as I had, for time to grow up and be more like Jesus, for time each day to serve and love and know people and do what I'm passionate about, time to praise and lament to him with song. So often people say "There's just not enough time in the day for everything!"  I can't help but retort that with this: God created each day to be 24 hours, if God did it it must be just right. He did it on purpose...there's exactly enough time in a day. I think it's how I use that time to praise and cry out to God that will determine the quality and fruitfulness of my life.
I am trying to be intentional with my time, being aware of God's presence always, coming into agreement with the idea that there is a time for everything...noone said I couldn't laugh right after I cry? or while I cry?
Back to Psalm 139:14-- I am writing a song from this Psalm in Spanish, because the Lord has placed this truth on my heart so evidently. The chorus is this: Te alabo porque soy una creacion admirable! Tus obras son maravillosas, y esto lo se muy bien! Now it's time to head back to Spokane, WA and see old friends, family, professors, and get a new perspective. I'm hoping these two weeks in Spokane will help me refocus and truly appreciate the blessing it is living in Costa Rica. I'm sure I will miss C.R. the second the plane takes off. It's just two weeks, only two weeks....

Paz y Gozo,

Sunday, September 4, 2011

you are greater than we could imagine.

Allie and I wrote a song....there was a point in my life that I was spiritually blind. I didn't feel the Lord's presence, couldn't see Him and couldn't hear Him. I love that the Lord can redeem us. I love that he can use life to wake us up and let us see and hear Him again. There are a few people in my life right now that really, really need His presence.

-My grandmother who has cancer.
-My friend Troy who has a cyst and possible tumor in his brain.
-My be safe in Iraq and to have strength for each hard day.
-My mom... for comfort after losing her father to cancer this summer.
-My brothers... to continue to experience the love of our heavenly father.
-My friends from college... to have peace with all the changes they are experiencing.

I am trusting that the Lord is sending down His spirit on all of them to help them feel, hear and see Him again.

Capo 3

Verse 1: A2, C, G, D

My eyes were closed...before I met you
My eyes were closed...I couldn't see you

My heart was hard...I couldn't feel you
My heart was brought me to life brought me to life

Chorus: C G E minor

Spirit come, spirit let your mercy come
Spirit come, spirit let your love pour down
Spirit come, spirit let your glory fall
Spirit come, spirit let your mercy come

Bridge: C G D
You are greater, than we could imagine
You are greater, than we could imagine
You are greater, than we could imagine
You are greater, than we could imagine

Verse 2:

Let me be still...
Let me be in your presence

Let me be still...
Let me be still....your presence is beautiful


Love, Kristin and Allie

Sunday, August 28, 2011

becoming a worshiper again.

I get so caught up in perfecting lessons and discipline in teaching. I'm getting in the bad habit of checking things off a list, rather than teaching from my heart. I get annoyed when my first graders ask to go to the bathroom 10 times in one hour or when they lean back in their chairs when they know they aren't supposed to. But I've noticed something...when I invite the Lord into my day, into my classroom and let His spirit and teachings move, I am at peace. It suddenly becomes easier when I believe that Christ is present. This is the kind of strength that only comes from Him. 

Last weekend, Allie and I had the chance to go to a worship conference at our church. My heart and soul were truly renewed. The pastor talked about becoming a worshiper again and how we always need to come back to our Father. You see, when we come to Him so vulnerable and broken, it gives Christ the chance to break us, strip us and then teach us. I hope I always remember to invite the holy spirit into my day because that joy and peace is amazing.
I encourage you to go back to the heart of worship. Invite the holy spirit into your day....I promise that it will make a difference.